Are Money Trees Toxic To Cats? (All The Facts!)

Are Money Trees Toxic To Cats

Money tree plants are a popular choice of houseplant because they come in a variety of sizes, are easy to maintain, and have great aesthetic qualities.

However, there are concerns from cat owners that they can also be harmful to our feline friends.

So are money trees toxic to cats? If so, what can we do to make it safer for our pets to be around these plants?

The money tree plant (pachira aquatica) is not toxic to a cat. However, if your pet does eat some of your money tree then they may get an upset stomach. So cats will not be in any immediate danger by nibbling or eating some of a money tree plant. This means it is safe to grow money trees indoors if you have cats.

Thankfully you can have a money tree indoors if you own a cat.

Sometimes if your cat keeps nibbling your money tree, the plant may get stressed out. Common symptoms of a stressed-out money tree are the plant’s leaves falling off or turning yellow.

See this article on how to resolve a money plant’s leaves falling off or turning yellow.

Now let’s explore the idea or rumor that money trees are not a safe plant to have around cats.

Why The ASPCA Warns Cat Owners Against Money Tree Plants

While there is no risk of major toxicity and health issues, there is still a small risk of an adverse reaction to eating the leaves.

That is the reason why the ASPCA is a little cautious when advising pet parents about the best and worst houseplants for the home. Their advice is to be careful with this plant so it is important to bear this in mind when choosing a suitable location for your plant.

Here is a full list of all the plants that are toxic and non-toxic to cats from the ASPCA.

Why Is My Cat Chewing On My Money Plant?

Plants are fun to chew and eat for cats.

Cats like to graze on house plants when they are bored or curious about something, especially if they think that it smells or tastes nice. So, if you put this plant out in front of them, expect them to at least have a little nibble.

One common reason that they are so easily drawn to this house plant, in particular, is that the leaves can quiver in a breeze. Cats may see this in the corner of their eye and their predatory instincts may take over.

They might then have to investigate and have a bite to make sure everything is ok.

What Can I Do To Stop Cats From Eating The Money Tree?

The best option if you want to deter your cat from eating a money tree plant is to not have the plant indoors. This is the most drastic approach since most cats will not frequently bite or nibble the same plant.

The better alternative is to put the plant out of reach.

This is easier said than done if you have a cat that likes to climb. So choose the location wisely.

Another option is to use something to deter your cats from going near the plant. You can spray the plant or pot with something bitter-tasting and smelling since cats don’t like anything that’s bitter.

The best alternative option for a cat that can’t get enough of a money tree is to grow something else that distracts them. A common choice is catnip since your feline friend will prefer this plant over any other plant in your home.

A catnip plant is a great idea because it is easy to grow indoors and we all know that our feline friends adore this stuff.

They can have a sniff, rub up against it, and have a little nibble. Instead of the upset stomach that they might get from money plants, they can enjoy a nice state of relaxation.

What About The Jade Money Tree Plant?

This is where we need to be certain of the specific species of money tree that you have. There are two plants that have the nickname of money tree.

Money Tree (pachira aquatica)

The pachira aquatica is the common one that is safe to grow in your home. Typically these plants will have a braided trunk.

Jade Plant (crassula ovata) Money Tree

The crassula ovata jade house plant is different. This money tree species can be toxic if cats ingest too much of it.

So make sure you know which one you have and to remove this toxic one if you have cats.

Should I Have A Money Tree Plant In My Home?

There is no reason not to have a money tree plant as long as it is the safe species (pachira aquatica) and your cat isn’t obsessed with eating it.

There are ways to dissuade pets from eating this plant. Even if your cat does eat some of this plant, it will not do any serious harm to your pet.

If you are really unsure about having this plant in your home, even after moving it or spraying it, donate it to a cat-free home and grow something else.


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