Reasons for Money Tree Leaves Falling Off or Turning Yellow

Why Are My Money Tree Leaves Falling Off or Turning Yellow

We all love to grow green luscious houseplants at home since plants liven up any boring room. Not to mention plants can improve the air quality so they look good and are good for you.

So it’s always heart-breaking when we see leaves turning yellow or falling off our beloved plants.

What did we do wrong? Why are my money tree’s leaves turning yellow or falling off?

Money tree leaves can turn yellow or fall off for a few reasons. Over or underwatering the plant is the most common reason why the leaves turn yellow. Providing too much direct sunlight or too little indirect light will also change the leaf’s colors. Pests such as spider mites are another common reason why the leaves are turning yellow. Check your money tree’s soil for wetness, observe how much light the plant receives, and check for pests in order to figure out how to improve your plant’s health.

Let’s cover each of the three primary reasons why your plant’s leaves are turning yellow and how to go through each step.

Why Are My Money Tree Leaves Falling Off or Turning Yellow?

Discolored leaves or lost leaves on a money tree plant could be the result of several problems.

It is important to analyze the current situation and the growing conditions for your plant.

That way, you can either pinpoint a particular problem or rule some out. Also, don’t forget that there may be more than one issue to blame here. Don’t assume that you have fixed the color or loss of leaves on the first try.

Key Factors To Consider When Diagnosing Your Plant

  1. The moisture levels of your plant
  2. The light levels in the room
  3. The presence of any pests
  4. The presence of any new growth on the plant

Is The Soil In The Money Tree’s Pot Too Wet?

One of the most common and damaging issues is overwatering the money tree. A money tree’s leaves can start turning yellow and falling off due to overwatering.

It’s easy to overwater money tree plants because we tend to think it’s better to give them more water versus underwater them. However, these plants don’t like being wet all the time.

Overwatering money trees and not allowing the soil to completely dry out can lead to root rot. This problem can severely damage or kill your plant since the roots are decaying.

Money Tree Checking Soil Moistures

Check the soil by inserting your finger deep into the soil, up to your second knuckle. This will allow you to check if the soil is still wet at the plant’s roots even if it appears dry at the surface.

If the soil remains wet with infrequent waterings of about once every 1 to 2 weeks then there is a soil or drainage issue.

Simply replant your money tree with new potting mix soil that has good drainage. This will allow the roots to air out in between waterings and will prevent root rot from developing and spreading.

Is Your Money Tree Getting The Wrong Amount Of Light?

This is one of the trickier issues when growing money trees. You need to find the sweet spot of just enough bright indirect light, but not too much direct sunlight.

Money trees don’t like a lot of direct sunlight but they also don’t like being placed in a dark corner.

If the money tree plant receives too much or too little light then the plant’s leaves will start to turn yellow and eventually fall off.

To determine if your plant is receiving too much direct sunlight, try moving it away from the window so it’s not being hit directly from the sunlight. Leaf burn is usually a sign of too much direct sunlight where the leaves curl and have brown or yellow tips.

To determine if your plant is receiving too little light, try moving it closer to the window so it receives some direct sunlight throughout the day. Leaves that do not receive enough light will not produce enough chlorophyll, which is green in color, so the whole leave will start changing color.

Is Your Money Tree Infested With A Parasite?

There are lots of annoying little pests in our homes that can’t wait to prey on weak houseplants. So, if you already have issues with weakened leaves and stems due to water or light damage, pest damage may become a secondary issue.

Spider mites are a common culprit. They come along and suck the moisture out of the leaves, making it even harder for the plant to flourish. Below is an example of what spider mites look like on leaves.

Spider Mites on Tomato Plant

So, if you notice yellowing or lost leaves, check for mites and pest damage too. There is a chance that even if you change the position of the plant or the watering schedule, those bugs may still be there.

Is The Yellowing Or Leaf Loss A Natural Part Of Growth?

Finally, we have to remember that leaves don’t last forever.

Plants put energy into fresh new growth and we should encourage that by removing anything that no longer serves the plant. That’s why we prune bushes and deadhead flowers.

If you only see a bit of yellowing at the bottom of the plant, this could just be a natural sign of the plant diverting energy away from the old growth.

Why Is My Money Tree Plant Yellowing And Can I Fix It?

As you can see, all is not lost if your plant is a little under the weather. Once you have tested the soil and light conditions, checked for pests, and looked at the growth of the plant, you should have a better idea of what’s going on.

Figure out the cause, make the right alterations to the moisture, light exposure, or pest control, and then give the plant time to recover.

While it is frustrating to see these issues in our houseplants, we all make mistakes. It is all part of the learning process when growing houseplants.

As long as we do our best to nurse the plant back to health, we will find that they are more resilient than we think.


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